Elif Bet
Every month,
The Elif Collective invites our community members to gather in a cozy space in NYC and hear an early draft of a new play.

The letters "Elif" and "Bet" begin the Semitic alphabets. They are the first two building blocks for dozens of languages. The Elif Bet Play Reading Series celebrates beginnings and makes the audience a building block from the very first draft.
​The evening begins and ends with a gathering. It's an opportunity for artists in our community to get to know one another. In the middle, actors from our community will read the play draft for the first time. Time allowing, the playwright holds a brief talkback after the reading.
Elif Bet is a house-warming party with a play reading dropped in the middle.
"Bet" means house—and that's where you are, at home with us. We serve snacks, dance, and meet with new friends and old.
What better way to warm a house than with a story?

While Elif Bet is a community space for NYC theater artists, it's open to the general public! Readings will return in 2025. Stay tuned...
Saturday Oct 26th @ 6PM
by Abigail Duclos
What would you do if you were stuck in a 10 ft. x 10 ft. bunker with your ex-best-friend (who you also were kind of in love with and who was maybe your gay sexual awakening but who you really hate now)? Honeysuckle is about how worlds end and begin again. It’s about a pandemic—but not this one. It’s about this world and the next. HONEYSUCKLE’s claustrophobic, terrifying, sexy—and, occasionally, shockingly funny.

Past Readings